
Centennial Campaign

Excellence, Leadership, Tradition

List of 1 items.

  • The Centennial Campaign for Fenwick High School

Dear Fenwick Community,

The world is a lot different at the beginning of 2021 than at the beginning of 2020.  With the dual scourges of the coronavirus pandemic and racial/social inequity issues - not to mention natural disasters and a radically divisive political environment - we must not forget and must learn from the lessons of 2020. 

One lesson decisively learned at Fenwick is that the twin goals of the Centennial Campaign - facilities improvement and tuition assistance/endowment growth - have only been reinforced in our new environment. 

Fenwick students want to be in the school building, not on-line, not learning from home.  They want to see their teachers, their classmates, and friends in person, not over Zoom.  Teachers teach better and students learn better in the school building.  However, as a school, we also need to prepare for the potential of future crises.  All of this argues for upgraded facilities:  greater open space, more flexible learning environments, more state-of-the-art teaching facilities.

Similarly, our students and alumni of color have made it abundantly clear that Fenwick can be part of the solution to the racial/social inequities in our society.  We have work to do. We need to create greater access and more opportunities for all students of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, but especially our students of color.  We need to create partnerships in the broader community to create an encouraging and welcoming admission pathway for all academically qualified students, and to expand outreach to new areas and communities that are not traditional recruitment strongholds for Fenwick.  All of this argues for greater outreach and availability of tuition assistance today and in the future, through endowment, so that Fenwick can be a societal example of diversity, equity and inclusion in Catholic education today.

The vision and goals defined in the Centennial Campaign five years ago have been tested, but the past year has only solidified their importance to the future of Fenwick and those students we educate “to lead, achieve and serve.” 

We also have much to celebrate with the successes of the Centennial Campaign over the past five years.  The conclusion of the original feasibility study for the Centennial Campaign reads: “At this moment, we see a major-gifts campaign for Fenwick in the $12-$14 million range. We see greater long-term potential, however, and believe… Fenwick will look back five years from now and see they have secured much more than $12-$14 million.”

Looking back on the first five years, they were right!  $12-14 million has been passed by a long shot!  Let’s take a victory lap!  But let’s not rest on our laurels.  This is an on-going Campaign, and future Friars need your help.  I encourage you to view the pamphlet immediately below, to peruse the rest of this web page, to celebrate our collective success, to see the work that still needs to be done, and to consider where you may help.

Thank you for your consideration.  Here’s to a bright 2021 and, with your support, continued success with the Centennial Campaign.  May God bless you and your families and the entire Fenwick community.


Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P.
President, Fenwick High School

Cause for Celebration!

Phase One of the facilities master plan is complete!

$5 million is still needed to complete the funding of phase one, but with the completion last summer of the 333 space Michael R. Quinlan ’62 Parking Center, construction of phase one of the facilities master plan is now complete!

As planned, there will be a break in construction activity for some time before proceeding to phase two and three of the facilities master plan.

List of 3 items.

  • Renovation of Pearl and Angelo Mazzone Chapel

    "The first capital improvement during this Campaign was the restoration of the chapel the heart and soul of our school its original beauty and grandeur. We are forever grateful!"

    - Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P. President
  • Construction on Fenwick Field

    "My teammates and I truly appreciate the generosity of the Fenwick Community for the turf field at the Priory. It provides us with a consistent training and game field, but more importantly a place that has and will continue to allow us to make memories lasting a lifetime."

    - Aristide Velliotis '21
  • Michael R. Quinlan '62 Parking Center

    “Safe, convenient, stress-free parking around Fenwick has been a problem for decades. The Quinlan Parking Center not only provides students more comfort and security, it provides a more welcoming environment for the entire Fenwick community to visit and enjoy events at Fenwick.”

    - Jerry Ruffino, Director of Operations

Endowment/Tuition Assistance

Always part of the Centennial Campaign, endowment growth and current tuition assistance are even more important today. The Fenwick community has not been immune to the economic and employment ravages brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Providing current and future tuition assistance to our students and families remains a priority of the Centennial Campaign over the long term.
Through these named scholarship funds – both “expendable,” which provide current tuition assistance, and “endowed,” which provide funds in perpetuity – Fenwick aims to provide our students and families the financial support they need to come to Fenwick, to stay at Fenwick, to provide the same opportunity to the students of today and tomorrow that was afforded to many of you. Financial uncertainty should not stand in the way of anyone receiving a Fenwick education.
Fenwick currently has nearly 15 “named” expendable scholarship funds that provide current tuition assistance and over 30 “named” endowed scholarship funds that provide tuition assistance in perpetuity. To establish an expendable scholarship fund requires a $50,000 commitment and an endowed scholarship fund requires a $100,000 commitment. Either way, these funds are an ideal way to pay-it-forward to ensure that future students can access the transformative education and experience that many of you did.

Giving from Assets, not Income

The vast majority of wealth for most people is in their asset base - homes, retirement accounts, non-retirement securities portfolios, life insurance, etc. - as opposed to their income stream. Giving from one’s non-cash asset base generally has much greater tax advantages than donating cash. The simplest way to donate from your asset base is through a bequest in your will or trust. Gifting long-term appreciated stock is a great, tax-efficient way to give today. There are even ways to create an income stream for life, receive a tax break today, and make a major gift to Fenwick.

Bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, retirement assets, and the like – can play an enormous role in establishing or growing scholarship funds and/or Fenwick’s endowment. For many benefactors it is easier to leave $10,000 or $25,000 or $100,000 in a bequest gift than to make an outright gift, for example. Planned gifts can significantly boost the principal amount of scholarship funds over time.

Documented planned gift intentions to Fenwick are recognized by the benefactor’s inclusion in the Bernacki Society. Over the past five years nearly 30 new benefactors have joined the Bernacki Society. We expect to continue to see excellent growth in the Bernacki Society during The Centennial Campaign and beyond. For more information about the benefits of planned giving and/or the Bernacki Society, please contact Chris Ritten, V.P. for Institutional Advancement:, 708-948-0350.

Kevin Spahn ’81

Donating a gift of appreciated stock rather than writing a check is a no-brainer; the tax savings can be substantial and can be passed on to both the donor and Fenwick.

Facilities Master Plan Phases Two and Three

  • Fenwick Master Facilities Plan

    View Centennial Campaign Phase 2 and 3 Renderings

    View All

List of 2 items.

  • Phase Two – Centennial Addition

    a four-story multi-purpose building - $20 to $25 million
    • 21st century classroom space and meeting areas.
    • New music, choir and art space.
    • New indoor athletic practice and training fieldhouse.
    • New ground-level dining room, kitchen, student union and landmark entrance.
  • Phase Three – Interior Renovation and Exterior Finishing

    $10 million
    • Current cafeteria becomes a 250-person auditorium.
    • Current kitchen becomes athletic training/fitness area.
    • Creation of a campus-like feel with a quad, dramatic archway onto campus and landscaping, all in keeping with the collegiate Gothic style of architecture that elevates our students’ expectations.
This is a momentous time for Fenwick. With your continued generosity and faith in Fenwick, Excellence, Leadership, Tradition the Centennial Campaign for Fenwick High School will be successful and will ensure that future generations of Friars can enjoy the same academic rigor rooted in faith that the Dominicans have taught at Fenwick since 1929.  Thank you!

For more information or any questions about The Centennial Campaign, please contact Chris Ritten, V.P. of Institutional Advancement:, 708-948-0350.
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